
This past year I lived life with a Bible study group as we met once a week during the school year.  As summer approached and the lessons ended, I wanted a way to stay accountable during the summer.  I looked over some blogs and found an online Bible study for the summer by We were instructed to read the book Anything: The Prayer That Unlocked My God and My Soul by Jennie Allen. The theme seemed to be in line with my recent book, Being Transparent, so I thought this would be a good bridge for me to pursue.

At first, the book was going fine and I continued to read along with the schedule given to me. Then, one day, it got a little personal. Jennie Allen talked about how Satan attacks the Christian who is willing to do anything for God. I was reminded of when I was determined to finish writing my book and the mono came, the interrupted schedules, more sickness, etc. You see, Jennie talks about how Satan will use anything to distract us from God. It can be life itself. I knew this and have known this, but it was nice to just call Satan what he is: a “jerk”. He has lost the battle and due to his being mad that he won’t win in the end, he is determined he will take down as many people with him as he can. Well, he won’t get me and I pray he won’t get you, too.So, my “anything” I’ve been praying about over my two-week break from writing is this: an online Bible study for my book. The book is six chapters, so I plan to make it a six-week session with a video for each chapter. You can choose to do the Bible study this fall in your church and show the video before you start your conversations with one another, or you can do the study on your own. I plan to make the videos less than ten minutes. If this is something that sounds interesting to you, please leave a comment below with what you might like for the study as I plan to develop it over the next few weeks. I’m shooting for an August 18th launch date!

If you don’t like to leave messages on blogs, please feel free to contact me directly at Thanks for living life with me on our journey to discover God more fully.
© 2013 Susan M. Sims

Image courtesy of cbenjasuwan at

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Looking for a small group Bible study? Look no further: Being Transparent: With Yourself, God, and Others.

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