Who Am I?

The song, Who Am I, came on the radio the other day and before the words even started I began to cry. I knew the first words were “who am I” and the very idea that I would think so highly of myself at times was immediately humbling. Seriously, who are we that God should love us or give us the time of day? Who are we that the God who calmed the waters and waves calms the storms within our very lives? He does so many things in grandiose styles and can bring them all down to our level. The God who created the world creates a tiny baby who is then hidden for 9 months.

Really, who are we to doubt the God of this universe. He knows all things, longs for us, and desires to be with us. Who are we to say no to His desires. Maybe today is the day for us to say “no” to ourselves and put God in His place.

What do you need to say “no” to today?

© 2014 Susan M. Sims

Image courtesy of Vlado/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Looking for a small group Bible study? Look no further: Being Transparent: With Yourself, God, and Others

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