What Does the Morning Bring?

Good Friday is a memory. Jesus’ death was a shock to those who followed them. There was sadness, despair, disappointment, and fear of what the future might bring on that dark night. The disciples thought Jesus was coming to be their earthly king, but He was killed. They locked themselves up in a room to pray and probably try to wrap their minds around what just happened. Not only was Jesus killed, but their friend and companion, Judas, had betrayed all of them.

Then, without warning, while normal people were sleeping, God was at work. He worked among the darkness. He worked while the disciples were locked up in a room. They did nothing and God moved. Three days later, it appeared to be like any other morning. This morning, though, Jesus rose from the dead. Here are some interesting facts about this particular morning:

  • It was unlike any other before.
  • Jesus defeated death.
  • The disciples were in awe and amazement at the news.
  • After realizing their idea of an earthly kingdom through Jesus was done, they had renewed hope that Jesus had come to realize their dreams.

Yet, Jesus was standing in the room with the disciples with the same story as before. He will not be their earthly king. More mornings come and they discover that Jesus will send a helper for them who will be with them always.

We all come with expectations of what we feel Jesus should do in our lives and for us. We fail to remember this: Jesus longs to guide and direct us in the path He knows to be best for us. We must realize that no matter what each morning brings our way, God must be first in our lives. Our dreams (of earthly kingdoms), our desires, and our expectations must be surrendered to the grave; they must die. They must die to God’s dream, desires and expectations of us.

So, after the death of your “earthly” dreams, desires, and expectations, what does your morning bring?

  • Is it unlike any other before?
  • Has God triumphed over the death?
  • Are others in awe and amazement at the news?
  • Do you have renewed hope that God will realize His dream through you?

© 2014 Susan M. Sims

Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net /dan

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Looking for a small group Bible study? Look no further: Being Transparent: With Yourself, God, and Others


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