Can You Hear Jesus?

Our family watched God’s Not Dead 2 last night. The main character is a Christian teacher who gets put on trial for talking about Jesus in her classroom. As she’s talking about how hard the situation is and how she doesn’t feel she can hear Jesus anymore, her grandfather says, “When you take a test, the teacher is quiet.” Here’s what stuck out to me and why I liked that line:

  1. The teacher doesn’t talk. She doesn’t talk at all with the student and ask how the student’s doing. The teacher allows the student to work on the test to see what the student has learned. It’s during the test that the student comes face to face with what he/she knows and what he/she needs to study more.
  2. The student is working. The student is actively taking the test. There is no praying and asking the teacher to take the test for him. There’s no asking for someone else to take the test for her. No, it is the student who must actively take the test. There is action involved.
  3. The test will be over. A friend of mine always says “This too shall pass” when difficult times come along. You can gear up for a test, study as much as you’d like, but it will be over soon enough. There is a set beginning and a set end. Only the teacher knows the beginning and the end.
  4. The teacher is still in the room. The teacher doesn’t leave the room because she must monitor the test. Likewise, Jesus is always with us and is there watching us all along.
  5. There will be more tests. This is not a sign of failure. We are given many tests in school because we have learned new material. We will often see that we have tests of many kinds in life and our tests are part of learning new information. As you learn new information, you’ll find you have more questions and that’s normal.

It doesn’t really matter if you can hear Jesus or not. The fact is He’s always there for you. He’s watching over you. Rest in His care today while you take your test!

© 2016 Susan M. Sims

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1 Comment on Can You Hear Jesus?

  1. Good thoughts! Thanks for sharing!

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