Nine Years and Counting…

Today is my ninth anniversary of being on insulin. I was fine one day and the next I was told my body no longer made insulin on its own and I would forever need insulin just to live. It has truly been a love/hate relationship. I hate that I have to have something in order to live and yet I love it for giving me the ability to live. This very subject has brought me to my knees on many occasions because I can’t control this disease; therefore, I can’t control my life.

As I looked around the house this morning, I thought of all the blessings God has given to our family. I then began to think of the times in our lives when I was truly brought to my knees. I thought of several occasions, but most of them revolved around my health (or that of my son’s). So, today, as I celebrate my 9th anniversary with insulin, I’m choosing to thank God for using health, or lack-thereof, to bring me closer to Him. It’s like the bad times in your life when you hated going through them and yet you drew so close to God during that time. The ride was just awful, but the memories along the way to the destination made it worth the trip. Anything that brings me closer to God is worth the trip.

What ride are you on right now? What memories are you making with God?

© 2013 Susan M. Sims

Photo courtesy of / antpkr

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