Let the Words of My Mouth…

Open mouth, insert foot.

Too many times I’ve done just this. I look at someone, make a quick and rash judgement, open mouth and insert foot. Will I ever learn?

You hear as parents that what you say will one day be repeated by your children. Those without children, or with children no longer in the home, aren’t off the hook. Most of what I remember is not from my parents’ mouths…it’s from those outside of my family. It’s the people in the church, the teachers from school, and the servers at the restaurants. I heard it all and I remembered a lot that was said. Not all of what I heard was good either.

They say you are what you eat. I don’t like this saying because it’s true. I would love to eat sweets all day long, but I would die sooner than later, and that would simply not be wise. So, I try to think of healthy ideas for eating so my family and I can be healthier. This takes some work and adjustment as it goes against the grain of most restaurants when we choose to eat out.

Likewise, eating healthy spiritually goes against the grain of our fast-paced society. Psalm 19:14 says, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” What kind of food am I eating spiritually? Fast “spiritual” food? You know, the kind where you read a scripture passage for the day and check it off your list. Or, do you sit down for a gourmet, three-course meal where you savor every bite? You pour out your petitions before the Lord, read scripture passages, see how they apply to your life, and then sit and listen to what God has to say to you.

The fast “spiritual” food, just like any fast food restaurant, won’t kill you once in awhile, but it will damage your heart if that’s all you eat. We need to eat healthy “spiritual” meals. What does this look like for you?

  • Journaling
  • Listening to music
  • Comparing different translations
  • Memorizing scriptures
  • A set time each day for just you and God

We each have an idea of “healthy” food. Think of three times in your life when you truly felt close to God. What were you “eating” during those times? Maybe it’s time to bring those foods back. Let’s open our mouths and insert those “spiritual” foods so that the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts would be pleasing to God.

© 2014 Susan M. Sims

 Image courtesy stockimages/freedigitalphotos.net


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Looking for a small group Bible study? Look no further: Being Transparent: With Yourself, God, and Others

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1 Comment on Let the Words of My Mouth…

  1. Beverly Sims | June 21, 2014 at 12:47 pm | Reply

    Can’t wait until you publish these devotions in your next book!!! They are always inspiring!

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