Number #117

Numbers are a funny thing. We all have numbers in our lives.

Which number were you in your family? First child? Middle child? The baby?

Does it mean anything?

How many friends do you have? A lot? Two? Ten?

Does it mean anything?

What about your job? How many have you had? How many people work for you? How many people are there between you and the boss?

Does it mean anything?

Numbers are a great indicator of the facts of our lives. They tell us the hard truth, but they are not the end to our story. They do not have to define us. Somehow, though, we allow numbers to affect our lives. Allow me to explain.

The number 117 is only a number, right? But I was married on the 17th of the month. Since we were becoming one on the 17th, I thought it would be cool to get married at 1:17 so the wedding could end at 2, my favorite number. And, so this is my 17th year of marriage!

Seriously, you are wondering what is my point?

  1. I grew up as a middle child, number 2. That fact defined me for a while in a negative way. I learned to embrace that fact and I began to love being in the middle.
  2. I thought having a lot of friends would mean I was loved and special. I’m finding the older I get that my true friends might be few, but they are always there when I need a friend.
  3. Jobs. I’ve had several with mom being my longest held position.

Numbers defined part of my life, but the relationships behind the numbers have made them embraceable. Every time I see 1:17 on the clock, I think of my wedding day and the love I have for my husband.

This is what we must do in our lives. We are dealt with facts and numbers. But, what will we do with those numbers?

There is one way to heaven…through Jesus. What will you do with that number? Embrace it?

I love the number 117. In fact, this is my 117th post I’ve written.

What number is defining you in your life today? Are you embracing that number or allowing it to define you?

© 2014 Susan M. Sims

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