Week #4 – Online Bible Study

It’s time to start the fourth week of the study. We will be talking about chapter three – Physical Health and Transparency.

This chapter, for me, was one of the hardest to write. My health has always been an issue in my life. I remember going to the doctor A LOT. I hated this feeling, though. As someone who likes to get things right and likes to be independent, feeling sick, and less than perfect, was always humbling and frustrating to me at the same time. I was broken and I couldn’t fix it on my own.

I questioned how God could effectively use me when I was less than perfect. I struggled trying to get back to the health I thought I should have until I made health an idol in my life. God loved me no matter the state of my health.

Like Paul, I had a thorn in the flesh that God was choosing not to remove. As soon as I realized I was growing bitter and discontented with my physical health, I asked God to forgive me of my attitude. I was asking Him to heal me so I could do more for Him (in my own strength). Instead, God wanted to do more through me in my less-than-perfect state so He would get the glory (from me). To the outside world, they saw what I was doing and I was giving God glory, but in my heart I was proud of my accomplishments because I was doing them. When I was sick, I knew in my heart and mind there was no way I could have accomplished anything without God’s help. Therefore, I was able to completely take myself out of the equation and fully give God the glory He deserved.

It took my pride away.

I couldn’t believe I had that much pride in my heart, but I did.

Giving up busy scheduling and too many activities had to happen for me, as well, because of my health. This led to saying “no” to many people when I felt society wanted me to say “yes”.

Knowing what our physical expectations are can allow us to honestly assess whether our expectations are attainable and realistic, and whether our expectations are grounded in God or in society.

Do you have health issues or constraints? Do you need to do a better job at taking care of yourself? May God do a reworking in your heart, mind, and soul this week. I pray He will show you areas of your life where He desires to hold you. I pray you will allow your heart to open up to His leading. Love ya girls. I’m praying for you.

Don’t forget: questions will be posted in the comment section under each week’s post for us to communicate and talk with each other.

Here’s your assignment for the week:

  1. Watch the video below.
  2. Answer the questions in the comments section below.
  3. Return a couple of hours later to see what other comments were left and feel free to comment to others’ comments.
  4. Tell your friends to join you on this journey.
  5. Read chapter 4 and answer the questions at the end of the chapter.
  6. Pray. Pray that God will open your eyes to ways you can improve. Pray for others who are doing this study that God would work in their lives. Pray for personal revival in the hearts of all Christians and those who don’t know Jesus as their personal Savior.

© 2016 Susan M. Sims

Join the online Bible Study here every Thursday, June 16th – July 28th!

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23 Comments on Week #4 – Online Bible Study

  1. Question #1 – How do you feel about your health and the state of your body? What do you do well with taking care of your body? What do you do poorly?

    • Jill Hoskins | July 8, 2016 at 9:40 am | Reply

      I’m OK with my health! I have my own issues, as does everyone! But all in all I feel OK! I try to eat healthy and exercise but like I’ve said before, I hate exercising so it’s something I do purposefully to stay healthy not because I like it! ?

      • Debbie hinkle | July 9, 2016 at 9:21 pm | Reply

        My health is good and am thankful for this. I try to watch for warning signs for when I am overly stressed or fatigued to prevent from getting sick. We try to eat healthy, most of the time but do not exercise regularly and need to get that in a routine

  2. Question #2 – Do you find yourself tired in life? Is this due to physical issues with your body? Or, are there areas in your life and calendar you need to trim? What is one thing you can change that would make you less tired?

    • Jill Hoskins | July 8, 2016 at 9:45 am | Reply

      Yes, I feel tired all the time! It’s because I have Hashimoto’s disease! The struggle is real! There are days I’m driving home from work in the afternoon and literally nearly fall asleep at the wheel!I take medicine for it but it doesn’t seem to help! My doctor has recommended surgery but I am resistant to that! So I just push through it! I don’t really think there is anything else I could change in my schedule or my responsibilities! I literally have two jobs: a full-time guidance counselor and a full-time pastor’s wife!

      • susansims97 | July 8, 2016 at 1:59 pm | Reply

        Awww…I bet we could find you some essential oils to help out! 🙂

        • Debbie hinkle | July 9, 2016 at 9:27 pm | Reply

          Right now I am juggling 2 part-time jobs(very thankful). One is 28 hrs per week and the other is 30-40 hrs per week right now. This will cont for about 4 more week and then will have a better balance. I could probably exercise regularly and that would help some with my energy and avoid fast food, which I try to do anyway.

  3. Question #3 – Are you able to just rest and “be” with God? Do you tend to be a Mary or a Martha in your life? What prevents you from “being” with God?

    • Jill Hoskins | July 8, 2016 at 9:54 am | Reply

      Oh, I am definitely a Mary! But God managesto get my attention in the middle of the night! That is when I have uninterrupted prayer time!

      • Debbie hinkle | July 9, 2016 at 9:35 pm | Reply

        Probably Mary as well. First thing in the morning I try to say and remind myself that , This is the day the Lord has made to to be glad and rejoice”. On my way to work while driving to pray and focus on the task ahead. Before bed read and pray. I do try to rest in him but exhaustion or carrying my emotions from the day that didn’t go well often keep my focus on that and not on Christ

  4. Question #4 – If Paul wrote a personal letter to you, what would be your distraction or Aphrodite? What steps can you take today to ease that distraction?

  5. Question #5 – Are you able to effectively serve God with the condition of your physical body? If you are a caregiver of someone else, are you taking care of yourself so you can care for others? How have you noticed your physical conditions in life affect you mentally?

    • Jill Hoskins | July 8, 2016 at 10:09 am | Reply

      There is something called, “compassion fatigue” and it is something that happens to counselors and caregivers! I try to guard against it! I think I know my limitations and when I reach my limit, I just have to take a mental health day from work and just rest!

      • susansims97 | July 8, 2016 at 1:55 pm | Reply

        It’s so good that you know your limits. I see so many who try to take care of everyone else and forget they must care for themselves first. Great job!

        • Debbie hinkle | July 9, 2016 at 9:41 pm | Reply

          Agreed caregivers often don’t care for themselves. I love caring for the folks I am caring for and that makes the work easier. Whenever I am exhausted then my mind is not focused and can become discouraged more quickly and too grumpy, not a good thing.

  6. Question #6 – When feeling defeated by life’s circumstances, you will find there are distractions in life. When you just coast through life, you’ll find there are distraction in life. How have you been distracted this past week?

    • Jill Hoskins | July 8, 2016 at 10:13 am | Reply

      My greatest joys in life and my greatest distractions is my family! Like I said before, I am the one who everybody comes to to vent and complain and I feel like I have to fix everything! Sometimes I just have to realize there’s nothing I can do but pray and leave them in God’s hands!

      • susansims97 | July 8, 2016 at 1:57 pm | Reply

        Like you, Jill, my distraction tends to be my family. We were on vacation this past week, so distraction from the norm was a good thing and I was happy to spend so much time with them.

  7. Jill Hoskins | July 7, 2016 at 10:45 am | Reply

    Oh my goodness, I am just putting pieces together….I think we were in the same room/cabin at women’s retreat last September! I met you & we talked about how you & Alyssa were “pump buddies!” I didn’t temember your name! I’m from Woodlawn. What church donyou go to?

  8. Debbie hinkle | July 9, 2016 at 9:45 pm | Reply

    My youngest is going off to college in 5 and 1/2 weeks and try to spend as much time with her when possible. She is not feeling the same.(typical but distracting to me). With the increased work hours, I don’t want to be too busy to spend time in devotions and prayer

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