Overwhelmed and Needing Simplification?

Feeling overwhelmed can come from many different reasons. You know, there’s a pit in your stomach and it’s hard to breathe. Have you said “yes” to too many things? Are things out of your control? How many things in your life are presently changing? I’m asking hypothetical questions, but these are some questions I’ve asked myself lately. I’ve prayed a lot about what I need to be doing lately in my life and God continues to not release me from what I’m doing.
I must admit, I seem to struggle when things change too much or too quickly. There’s a certain excitement that comes from change, as well as a certain unknown. Time always changes around the beginning of the school year. Among the schedules changing and sports beginning, there is the constant of school routines and no more vacations. Even throughout changes there are constants.
During every time of change, my one constant has always been God. He has never left my side. A child once asked me if God would love her if she told a lie and went to hell. God will always love us no matter what our circumstance. The question we need to ask is this, “Will we always love God in ALL of our circumstance?” Throughout the changes every few months seem to bring to our family, I constantly juggle with how our lives can glorify God the most during this season. Keeping God in the forefront of my life always simplifies any circumstance.
So, now I pause, breathe in, and allow God to simplify my life with His presence!
© 2013 Susan M. Sims

Image courtesy of Michal Marcol/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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2 Comments on Overwhelmed and Needing Simplification?

  1. I really like this author.

  2. I’m always inspired, when I read her writings!

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