How Deep Will You Go?

This is the season of Lent. It is a time some people give up something in order to take that time, or their thoughts, to spend with God and think about Him. I have chosen this time to re-evaluate what we have in the house that needs to go. No, I’m not getting rid of people in the house. I’m trying to focus on what things we have in our house that is weighing us down. Let me explain.

I love to organize. The downfall of organization, though, is you typically learn a different way or a new way to keep all of your stuff. I like to follow blogs of people who organize, have meal plans, and those who give you simpler ways of living life. That just seems freeing to me. So, in January, I decided to do a challenge online where you take 15 minutes a day and in the course of a year you’ll have your entire house organized and decluttered. There are days I don’t have to do anything because I already had incorporated those habits and ideas into my life, but I still have to think whether I need to do that step or not. And, there are days where it seems impossible to accept the challenge and I freeze and skip that day.

Here’s what’s hard: evaluating if what is good and working right now is really the best for our family. The project started in the kitchen since it is typically the most used room in the house. As I decluttered old plastic cups, containers, and spoons, I also had to evaluate if I needed all the cookware I had accumulated, as well. Realizing I didn’t need everything provided space in the kitchen. Though overwhelming a bit, this decluttering provided freedom to me. Why? Everything has meaning and purpose. I know it’s all there for a reason.

Isn’t Lent supposed to be about spiritual things? Well, at times the clutter and baggage of excess things distracts me from doing my devotions. I think about cleaning the house and I have a hard time focusing. So, I think this is a spiritual issue for me because it was dragging me down. What a blessing to be able to give of what I have, and yet don’t need, so that others can use it in their possible time of need.

What in your life is dragging you down? Is it your busy schedule with the kids? Too much time online? The ministries you’re involved with doing?

Here’s the key question: what particular activity is keeping you from a deeper relationship with God?

There will be some hard questions to ask. There will be certain rooms of your heart that will be easier to declutter than others. You might not have a specific list of what to clean next, but you have access to God through prayer. There will be days when it’s harder than others and you might freeze up for the day. Is God asking you to get rid of past hurt caused by others? Is He wanting you to ask others to forgive you? Needing to exercise and take care of your body? Do you talk too much about others? Again, there will be things and days you will not need to do anything because you already have that part covered. Yet, I challenge you to pause and reflect upon issues God brings before you.

How deep are you willing to go?

Image courtesy of / Gualberto107

© 2017 Susan M. Sims

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1 Comment on How Deep Will You Go?

  1. Beverly Sims | March 8, 2017 at 10:14 am | Reply

    Thanks, Susan! You did it again!!! You challenged my thinking ! I will ask God to help me put into action, these truths. God bless you, as you continue your writings.

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