Defeat or Hope?

We lost another good person to cancer this week: Jerry. He was the one we met during the first round of chemo treatments. He and Brian hit it off and they talked everyday that week of treatments. Jerry was also the one I wrote about back in November when I had to leave the treatment room once I saw him walk through the doors. He was so frail, tired, and worn. I ached for what I knew what was to come. Turns out he died within weeks after that treatment; yet, we just found out Tuesday. We found out a few hours after I had attended my friend’s mom’s funeral. It seemed a bit of a defeated day.

Yet, I was reminded in my Bible readings that death is not the final defeat. It’s all a matter of perspective!

Perspective #1: Another One is Gone (Defeat)

Perspective #2: Another One Now Lives (Hope)

I don’t know about you, but going through chemo is not a fun way to live. Having dementia is not a fun way to live your life. Those who have died before us with these ailments are now alive and well living in heaven. They are walking, they are talking, and they are laughing. I can imagine Jerry skipping down the roads. Jerry was Jesus to us during that first week. Sometimes walking the road with someone is all they need to survive.

I had to go to the school’s office this week before a field trip. A girl was already in there and had a note in her hand. She voluntarily told me she now had to carry an inhaler with her for the rest of her life. She was defeated. I told her it would be hard, she would have to carry a purse with her pretty much always, but that she would make it. I told her she would be okay. Sometimes we need to remind others of the truth they already know: we have hope and don’t have to live in defeat.

Sometimes, I need to be reminded of truth in my life. I need to be reminded to shift my perspective.

You want to know how God works? I have a favorite passage I read often: Psalm 37: 3-5. I’ve been going through some stressful (and sometimes defeating) weeks lately. While in a meeting, a friend mentioned he’s been reading Psalm 37:1-9.  This prompted my going back and reading the words I need to read when I’m living in perspective #1 but need to be living in perspective #2 as I knew I had forgotten the full promise of hope. Here is Psalm 37:3-5:

Trust in the LORD and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the LORD and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you. (NLT)

When I read the above portion, this is what I read between the lines: No matter what is going on today for you, I’d like to challenge you to trust in the Lord. Trust Him that He is holy, just, and desires good for you. Do good because you love Him. Living safely in the land doesn’t mean there won’t be any pain, but it does mean you will prosper in giving God glory. You have a choice whether to complain about circumstances (defeat) or choose to see God working throughout the pain (hope). Take delight in God, desire His presence, long for Him and not others, food, alcohol. Allow Him to be the balm you apply for your ache. When you live in a full and right relationship with God, your desires will align with His desires. Commit all you do to the Lord. By doing so, as your desires are aligned with His, He will help you accomplish all He’s called you to do. Trust Him with your life, you circumstances, and your dreams.

Are you living today in defeat or in hope?

It’s time to choose hope!

© 2017 Susan M. Sims

Photo courtesy of / Janpen04081986

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1 Comment on Defeat or Hope?

  1. Beverly Sims | May 13, 2017 at 8:28 pm | Reply

    Suan,your article touched my heart so much. Thank for sharing. It’s all so true.

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