5 Reasons I Believe in the Church of the Nazarene

I don’t typically post directly about the denomination I’m affiliated with because I enjoy focusing on a relationship with Jesus and not a man-made religion. This week was a bit different, though, because it was the week of the General Assembly of the Nazarene Church where the theology of what we believe and why we believe are debated. (#GA2017) I was not able to attend in person, but I watched the live stream of the voting and debates. It was rather fascinating. I’ve grown up my entire life as a Nazarene (named after Jesus from Nazareth; a.k.a., Jesus the Nazarene). Throughout my life I have asked questions of why we believe certain things, whether what our manual says lines up with the Bible since that is our ultimate authority and not the manual, and I’ve wondered where and why the church universal (all churches who say they believe in God), have failed at being the church. Here are some things I learned this week and why I will stay with the Church of the Nazarene:

  1. We are a global church. The Church of the Nazarene (COTN) is in roughly 162 world areas. I don’t know of a single church that can touch that many countries on its own. But, with a bunch of churches working together, we can touch millions of people. I love the different perspectives we get from the global church. Our way of thinking here in the United States might be okay here, but it’s not always beneficial to those around the world. I feel this global perspective gives us an edge on how to minister more effectively to those of different cultures.
  2. We are a serving church. It takes the focus off of us. I love that as we give our 10% income through our tithes and give more through our special offerings, that the church is accountable for where that money is going. That money goes to missionaries in our 162 world areas and it goes to our Compassionate Ministries that is immobilized when natural disasters occur around the world. How are we able to get to those countries so quickly? We have feet on the ground through our churches and we can work with them to help. I love thinking outside of myself so that I remember life’s not just about me.
  3. We share our stories. One of the most touching moments for me was concerning a child sponsorship program where they brought up a girl (who is now grown) and she shared the impact this program had on her after her father passed away. Someone sponsored her and they wrote back and forth for years and this person provided the funding her family needed from her monthly giving. As the interpreter finished translating, the General Superintendent who was interviewing her asked if she had ever met her sponsor. She replied no. He asked if she would like to meet her sponsor and I’ll never forget the look on her face as the sponsor walked to the platform. I didn’t think that hug would ever end. The story of one struggling and the story of another providing was amazing. It softened my heart to be reminded there is still hope in this world even when we hear awful stories daily of tragedies.
  4. We believe that all can minister. As two of the six General Superintendents retired, it was time to vote on two more. It was fun to watch as the first elected was from Africa (and knew multiple languages) and the second was a woman who also spoke in English, German, and Russian because she was born on the mission field and then became a missionary herself. We put our actions behind what we say. Those from other countries are important to us as well as women in ministry. Thanks be to God!
  5. We believe theology is important. Many businesses and entrepreneurs will tell you it’s important to know your why.  Our why as a church is based on our theology. The COTN believes that Jesus is the Son of God, we believe He came to this earth to save us from our sins, that He died and rose again on the third day. We believe God is our Father and that the Holy Spirit was sent to us after Jesus went to heaven so that we could always have Him to discern right from wrong. We believe if we ask God for forgiveness, and mean it wholeheartedly, that we have salvation and we believe that entire sanctification means we strive everyday to become who it is God created everyday. We have a daily choice of whether we choose God or us. And, we believe Jesus will come again one day and those who believe in Him will live forever with Him in heaven. Our desire, or our why, is for all people to find this relationship with God.

These are the main reasons I love the Church of the Nazarene. Will there be times when people disagree on our stands? Of course! We are all humans, right? Instead of turning on one another, as Satan desires, we must remember to turn to God in prayer and humbly seek His will and His ways. After all, we are called to love and serve others.

Who do you need to love and/or serve today? Ask God to help you keep this as a priority and remember to pray for that person or situation.

© 2017 Susan M. Sims

Picture courtesy of www.nazarene.org

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1 Comment on 5 Reasons I Believe in the Church of the Nazarene

  1. Beverly Sims | July 12, 2017 at 1:02 pm | Reply

    Great job, Susan! Fully agree!

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