Do You Need to See Some Light?

My husband and I recently visited the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Alabama. While we were attending one of the talks with the workers, we learned more about the International Space Station (ISS). As we left the talk, she mentioned we should download an app to locate the ISS in the sky. I never knew it was possible to see the ISS with the naked eye up in the sky at night. I didn’t think too much about it until we were grilling dinner one night and it was a late dinner. I looked up in the sky and noticed we could see the stars really well. We then decided to check the app. The app said we wouldn’t be able to see the ISS, but would be able to see two different satellites.

I can’t tell you the thrill we felt as we saw the satellites move across the sky. The most amazing part to me was as we watched it move, there was a sudden burst of light that shown in the sky. It went away just as quickly as it came. Of course we had to look up on Google what exactly this bright light was in the sky. Well, it just so happens that it was a reflection of the sun off of the satellite’s antenna. It was pitch black outside, I saw the stars, and yet the sun was still there; reflecting back on Earth.

Of course, as I pondered this thought more, I realized how often life and circumstances seem so dark and black to us. Life seems overwhelming, we feel no one understands, and we wonder what else could go wrong. We look up in the middle of hopelessness and feel there is no God, no light, no hope. And, yet, we are told God is there.

As we look up and ask God where He is in the middle of life’s unknowns, there is a flash of light. He sends a flash of His love, His caring, His comfort, and His peace. Here’s the thing, though. We have to look up to see Him offering His presence in our lives. If we continue to look around at the darkness of our circumstances, we won’t be able to see the reflection of His light that offers us peace, hope, and love.

Are you drowning in your current circumstances? Feel overwhelmed and unable to move forward? You might need to see some light in the midst of your night. It’s time to look up!

© 2018 Susan M. Sims

Picture courtesy of

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1 Comment on Do You Need to See Some Light?

  1. Never needed that more than tonight. Thanks for posting.

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