Need a New Point of View?

While in Arizona, we made our way to the bank to get some change for laundry. We were making small talk with the teller and she asked where we were going. We mentioned our destinations and told her the Grand Canyon was one of the highlights. To my amusement she said, “You came all the way out here for just the Grand Canyon? Hmmm, I guess we just take that for granted around here.”

I still smile when I think of that and yet it’s a bit of a wake up call. What things in my life do I simply take for granted that is really “grand” to most others? We have a pretty close family. Do I tend to take that for granted when I know of others with strained family relationships? I have loving friends that I can call upon night or day. Do I take them for granted as others long for a true friend? I have a hope from a resurrected Savior who has forgiven me from my sins. Do I take that for granted when I see someone without hope and I don’t share hope with them?

There are so many reminders of God all around us. Sometimes we just need a new point of view. We need someone to come alongside of us to remind us that it is “grand”. Taking pictures these last few weeks have been a blessing for me. I’ve seen the mountains, the desert, the trees, the lakes, and the animals. Each time I look through the camera lens, I take the picture I saw in my mind and then I move the camera just so slightly and see something completely differently. It’s magical. I see it from a different point of view.

We each have our own lens where we view life and all its circumstances. Life can be fulfilling, filled with love, filled with hopelessness, lonely, and overwhelming. If you are on the later part of the list, take a deep breath and look at it from a different point of view. Remember the “grand” things of life and don’t take for granted the many blessings God has already given to you. What do you need to be reminded of today that is a true blessing in your life?

© 2018 Susan M. Sims

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