Can You Resist Temptation?

Temptation is such a colorful word. Sin, wrongdoing, bad places, bad friends, Satan, and Adam and Eve are just a few things that come to mind. Along with temptation, I think of failure, guilt, shame, and disappointment in myself or others. Temptation tends to have a negative connotation to me.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t struggle with temptation as much when I’m well-rested, having daily devotions, or when life is going as planned. Instead, the times I struggle most are when I’m tired, have a full schedule, and life seems overwhelming with surprises.

Oh, and I struggle with temptation when I’m lonely.

Have you ever been there? Lonely, not really feeling you belong, or feeling out-of-place?

I’ve been there. I’ve been lonely while in a crowded room. I’ve felt I didn’t belong even as I held that smile in place. And, I’ve felt way underqualified or isolated and wondered why I ever thought I would fit in with others. Then, I have an idea, a temptation that creeps in, that tells me if I just do this one thing it will all be fine.

What I find most interesting about temptation is how not all things we are tempted to do are bad things; they are just doing something at the wrong time. When we read about Jesus being tempted by Satan in the Bible, we find Jesus has been out in the desert for 40 days and has been fasting. He is hungry and Satan tempts Him with food.

Is eating really wrong after not having food for so long? No, but it was in how Satan asked Him to get the food: turn the stone into bread. Reading my Bible this week, I looked upon this temptation as Satan tempting Jesus to be self-sufficient. This self-sufficiency, making something happen in your own way and timing instead of waiting upon and asking God for help, is something I know I struggle with probably more than I even realize.

So, how are we to combat temptations? Here are some preventative measures:

  • Stay in the Word of God. You’ll have to be able to tell the truth from the half-truths Satan enjoys using.
  • Pray for wisdom. You can’t do life on your own. We all need God.
  • Stay close to other believers. Accountability is not an option in the Christian life. You always need the help of others — strength comes in numbers.
  • Take some down time. You must learn to know who you are and how/why you react. This introspection requires some down time.
  • Know your boundaries. When you learn who you are in your down time, you’ll be able to establish healthy boundaries that will protect you from certain temptations.

This list is in no way perfect. You will have to discover your strengths and weaknesses on your own to know how not to put yourself in tempting situations. Beware that you don’t become so “good” at avoiding temptation that you become prideful or self-sufficient. Again, temptation is such a colorful word!

Where in life are you struggling today? Which area of prevention do you need to commit to do better this week? Spend some quiet time reflecting. God loves you tremendously and longs to be your strength. Relax in His arms today.

Until next time…

© 2018 Susan M. Sims

Image courtesy of Denis Karpenkov

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