Dealing with Disappointment

Life is full of disappointment.

As I taught Sunday School last week, I gave the class a quick overview of the book The Last Arrow by Erwin McManus. I love the example of continuing to strike the arrow until you’re told to stop. Oftentimes in my life, I will continue to do what God has told me to do and then I get tired. I don’t see results. I don’t feel it’s affecting anyone around me and I feel disappointment in lack of results.

So, I get bored, tired, or disappointed, and I quit. I stop doing what I was called to do and I ask God what it is He’d like for me to do next. Then, I get frustrated because I feel God is not answering me for what I’m to do next. When, in fact, there is no next, because the answer is a “continue to do what I’ve asked you to do”.

Have you ever been there? Working and walking in the way you know God has called you to walk and you begin to wonder why it is you’re still doing that particular task, job, lifestyle?

Asking questions is not wrong. Evaluating why you do certain things is helpful in clarifying your “why”. What we need to be careful of is to not stop doing what God has called us to do or to be while we question whether that is still the direction we’re heading.

Example. God called me to do a certain job. I thought about quitting several times. I didn’t know why I was still doing the job, but every time I entertained quitting, I would feel checked and was never clear that quitting was an option. It hasn’t been easy at times and yet God has been faithful to provide the strength needed to complete the job. Have I been tired? Yes! Have I been frustrated? Yes! Have I felt the peace of God during the tiredness and frustration? Yes!

I’ve never felt disappointment while continuing to strike the arrow God has called me to strike.

The times I have felt disappointment are times when I quit. I wasn’t supposed to be done striking and I stopped. I thought there were greener pastures in a new job. I thought life would be better if only I had something else on my task list. So, I started a new task I felt was worthy and worth my time.Then, I was disappointed in the results.

I was disappointed in myself and I was disappointed in God. I was disappointed because I was a square peg meant for square hole and I was trying to be a circle!

Why do we try to be other things not meant for us. When will we realize that our greatness in God’s eyes are simply striking the arrow He’s asked us to strike? How could we ever be disappointed in being the person God has called us to be?

Could it be our expectations are out of whack and unrealistic? Thriving in God’s calling will be the most exciting reward we could have and the best medicine against disappointment!

When you are disappointed, look at your expectations, ask yourself if you quit, and find out if you stopped doing what you were to be doing. Don’t look to others around you and try to fit into what God has called for them. Live into the perfect version of yourself, live into your calling, and continue to strike until you are told to stop.

God does not disappoint!

© 2018 Susan M. Sims

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