How to Handle Life’s Small Moments

A couple of weeks ago we talked about dealing with life’s monuments. We talked about how it shapes us, what it represents to us, what it represents to others, and what it represents to God. These monuments were big and momentous times that happened to us and impacted our lives. Yet, every day, we have a lot of small moments in our lives that can equally impact us and shape us.

There are countless decisions we make each and every day that do not seem to matter in the moment. As we continue to make these decisions daily over and over again, those small moments make a big impact over a period of years, whether positively or negatively.

Let’s take the example of the food. Food is a necessary part of life and yet it seems to be a struggle for many. A struggle to decide what food to eat, a struggle to decide how much food to eat, and a struggle to provide food for their family. One simple word “food” can cause issues and struggles for people in very different ways; both positively and negatively.

Small moments include any mundane decision you make: the idea to exercise or not, whether to clean your house, whether to pay the bills, how much money to save for the future. Small acts that require discipline to continue doing what seems unimportant in the moment can prove difficult day in and day out.

So, how do we handle life’s small moments?

  1. Make long-term goals. By keeping the future in front of you, you’ll see how the small moments fit into a larger picture.
  2. Realize the moment matters. Sometimes it’s easy to shrug off the little moments because they seem unimportant. When you look at the long-term goal of where you want to be, you’ll see the importance of making every step of the way a priority.
  3. Say no more often. When you make your long-term goals, you’ll see that you make decisions every day that lead away from your goals. By having a plan in place for your future, you’ll be able to recognize better the times where you need to say no.
  4. Stay focused. Don’t get lost in the mundane of everyday living. Stay focused on where you want to be, how you want to get there, and by when you want something to happen. This focus gives importance to the moments and aids in the mundane of the daily task.

Small moments in life do not have to be burdensome. With a plan and some purpose, the mundane decisions in life can come alive and be inspiring. These small moments might just one day become a monument in your life.

Stay strong. Stay steady. Live in the here and now. Live in the small moments of your life.

© 2018 Susan M. Sims

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