Why Waiting is Important

We are in the Advent season as Christ followers. I have to admit, though, that I was wondering what the definition of advent was, so I had to look it up. Advent is the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event. The dictionary gave an example of advent as “the advent of television”. It’s interesting that it’s not solely a Christian term. In the Christian faith, we use Advent as a time to prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus as a baby on earth, as well as the second coming when He will return.

The Old Testament gives credibility to the coming of Jesus and yet it had been 400 years, from the time of the Old Testament to the New Testament, since God had talked to His people. Then, one day, as Zechariah was doing his normal duties at the Temple, an angel spoke to him. Zechariah and Elizabeth had been waiting and wanting a son for a long time. The angel said Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth, would have  a son and they were to name him John. Because Zechariah doubted, the angel said he would be unable to speak until the birth of their child. Both Zechariah and Elizabeth were old and I’m sure the waiting at times was unbearable.

In the waiting, Zechariah continued to do his duties at the Temple, and Zechariah and Elizabeth were both faithful to God. They did not give up, they did not lose their faith in God, they simply continued to do the work they were called to do. This waiting time produced character, love and devotion for God, and a simple obedience that allowed their eyes and ears to be opened to what God was ready to do in their lives.

What is interesting to me about Zechariah is that he was faithful for his entire life, he was waiting, he had an encounter with an angel, was left speechless, had John the Baptist, and then is gone from Scripture. It was as though he lived his entire life for one moment. That moment proved his devotion for God even amidst initial doubts and he goes back to leading a quiet life that helped to produce John the Baptist. This was the John that led the way for Jesus Christ.

So often, we get lost in how we can make a difference in the world by being showy and extraordinary. Oftentimes, God works with those who quietly, and daily, follow Him. It is in those moments, some very defining moments, that God speaks and we are to obey. Had Zechariah lived in the doubt for long, the story might have turned out differently. But, he chose to move forward and trust God. He became the forerunner for the forerunner of the gospel!

No matter what you are waiting on today in your life, God is listening. He heard the cry of Zechariah and Elizabeth for a son. He hears you. Do not lose hope. Should God choose to end your waiting, don’t live in the doubt too long that He answered your prayers. Move forward into the future with God leading the way. Waiting provides hope and anticipation. Waiting allows you to fall in love with the God who longs for good in your life. Enjoy your waiting!

© 2018 Susan M. Sims

Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net/dynamike

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1 Comment on Why Waiting is Important

  1. Amen and Amen!!

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