Are You Shining Brightly?

Who doesn’t like Christmas lights? No, really, is there anyone out there?

I am so mesmerized by Christmas lights. There is just something that draws me to them. I love to read by the tree, love to think by the tree, and love to just sit and get lost in the lights. They just seem peaceful to me.

I love to see how others decorate and how many lights they use. Everyone’s interpretation of decorating is different. Just looking at the outside of the houses around you and you will notice the differences.

You know what other lights I love? The light that you’re supposed to put outside of your house, that you point towards your house, and it projects the lights upon your house. You can make the lights different colors, you can have them move or stay stationary, and you can conveniently not put it outside and leave it inside and project it on your ceiling! Yep, it’s by our tree. And, yes, I “forgot” to pack it last Christmas so I could turn it on some days just to watch the lights move and dance on the ceiling.

With all the possibilities of decorating, though, the times I am most drawn to the Christmas lights are when the other house lights are turned down. It’s at that point the tree’s lights truly affect the rest of the room.

Lights. Whether stationary or moving, they draw me to them.

My husband has indulged me a bit this year and we still have the lights up, at least through today! Yesterday, after I sat by the lights, the kids and I began talking about life in general. We ended our discussion on how people use outward signs of jewelry, tattoos, or clothing to show others what they believe in; specifically, we were talking about their belief as a Christian. We concluded that your actions and behaviors should be so obvious to others that you are a follower of Christ, that the outward signs become unnecessary.

I came back to the lights. I see the Christmas tree and decorations. Sure, they are symbols that mean I celebrate Christmas, but they don’t necessarily mean I celebrate the true meaning of Christmas in my heart. Outward symbols are simply outward symbols. What is in the heart must be our focus.

We must always go back to the light: the light of Christ. He is what draws us to Him. Without His light in our lives, we live meaningless lives. His light draws us to Him because we live in a world darkened by sin. In this darkness, His light shines more brightly and impacts those in its path.

Similarly, we are to be the light that draws others to Him. We are to be the reason why others feel peaceful when they are around us. We are to help guide them when they are in the shadows of life. Because when we are affected by the light of Christ, we can’t help but shine ourselves.

Where do you need to shine today? Are you relying upon outward symbols to show others your beliefs? If you feel you can’t see the light, draw near to God and ask Him to draw near to you.

© 2019 Susan M. Sims

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