Why We Must Remember

Memorial day was this past week when we remembered those who went before us; those who fought for our freedom in the United States. It is a pause for many businesses where workers get a long weekend. But, how many of us truly stop in our busyness to remember those who died for us?

I started thinking about Moses and how many times it seems he tells the Israelites to not forget their slavery in Egypt. We set aside a day on our calendar to remember those who fought and the Israelites set up festivals to remember their escape from Egypt. But, why must we remember?

  1. Remembering gives background. You don’t know the meaning of the present if you don’t understand the history. Knowing that there were once slaves in our country, in other countries; knowing that we are free because others died brings meaning.
  2. Remembering gives purpose. Your ability to be where you are is because of those who came before you. Your life not only has purpose thanks to others, but you have purpose for those who will come after you.
  3. Remembering gives direction. The old saying is true that if you don’t know your history you’re bound to repeat history. Learning from past mistakes and successes helps to point you in the direction you need to go so that you can get there more efficiently.
  4. Remembering gives value. Did you remember that not only did Christ die for you, but He also rose from the dead? You are loved. Not only are you loved, you have been given the power and infilling of the Holy Spirit. You have power, through God, to conquer our enemy. You are valued — don’t let the enemy convince you otherwise.

Remembering requires some introspection which is not always easy because of our schedules. If we move too quickly without remembering, we will fall into the trap of walking aimlessly without specific direction or purpose. Take time this week to stop and reflect.

Who in your life is worth remembering? What influence did they have upon your life or on those around them? Are you living your life in such a way that others will remember you and how you lived your life?

Let’s start remembering!

© 2019 Susan M. Sims

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