Why You Need Self-Care Today!

Last time we talked about life being hard. We discussed we all have these days, the importance of moving forward, the need for other people, the need to focus on God’s goodness, and the importance of breathing!

When we continue to move forward, if we’re not careful, we can start to go through the motions and end up just trying to survive. In our trying to take care of life, we can take care of so many others first and forget about ourselves. I’m talking to everyone here…not just the ladies. If I don’t take care of myself, I tend to shut down; emotionally, mentally, and/or physically. It’s not good!

How are we to take care of ourselves?

  1. Find contentment in God. This might sound ridiculous at first, but if you’re not having God-time everyday, you’re missing out on the most important way to take care of yourself. Search Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Ask Him to search your heart to see if there is any wicked way in you. God is a great stabilizer because He made you and knows you. He knows better than anyone what you need; really need.
  2. Find what brings you joy. Do you enjoy a clean car? Go clean your car. Does taking a bath relax you? Take time for a bath. Enjoy reading but can’t seem to find time with the kids to sit down to a good book? Listen to one in the car. Remember, also, that what brings you joy when you’re twenty might be different in your 30s, 40s and beyond. Can’t figure out what brings you joy? What do you miss doing that once brought you joy? Try out that activity and see if it’s still a winner!
  3. Find others around you. Self-care is not a time to isolate. I enjoy my alone time probably more than most, but the older I get, the more I realize the importance of others in my life. Others give me perspective that I can’t get on my own. Yes, I need to know where I stand with God and me, but I need others to speak truth into my life. They can’t speak truth to me if they don’t know me.
  4. Find time daily for you. You might only have 15 minutes and it doesn’t seem worth the effort. If you are persistent, though, you can soak up that 15 minutes daily and it will look a lot different at the end of the week when it’s become 105 minutes of self-care. Time for you gives a new perspective.

Taking care of ourselves is not also fun or easy. Sometimes it’s easier to medicate ourselves with TV shows, movies, food, drugs…name your poison. Effort and introspection is needed to fully take care of ourselves and in doing so you might find out you have some things in life you need to make better.

Discover who you are in God. Do things that bring you joy. Enjoy the company of other people. Find time for you.

What area of self-care do you need to work on this week?

© 2019 Susan M. Sims

Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net/kerdkanno

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