Don’t Stop Yet!

I was reading through the gospels this week about the Transfiguration. This is when Jesus went on the mountain with Peter, James, and John and talked with Moses and Elijah. Moses represented the law, Elijah represented the prophets, and Jesus was the one to fulfill both the law and the prophets. I have often wondered what they talked about. Were they laying out a gameplay for the next couple of weeks, or did Jesus need a bit of “heaven” while here on Earth?

While He was on the mountain, the other three disciples, Peter, James, and John fell asleep. Had Jesus pulling another “let’s go away and pray”? Was He frustrated with the disciples when He knew they were asleep?

As He comes down from the mountain, Jesus is greeted by the other disciples who could not heal a little boy who was demon possessed. Jesus greets them with a “ye of little faith” speech. Whew, Jesus was just talking with Moses and Elijah, his three disciples fell asleep on Him and now his other disciples cannot heal a demon possessed boy. Talk about going from a high to a low. I’m sure it was frustrating for Jesus.

Yet, He knows us and He loves us. He knows our physical limitations as well as our mental limitations. Jesus had empowered them before to heal the sick. Maybe they didn’t feel empowered anymore? Were they trying to heal the boy in their own strength?

Just like the experience of Jesus, life is full of its ups and downs for us. In the Bible we read we, as Christ followers, are called to believe in God and to show others the way to Him. Jesus has empowered us to do HIs work on this Earth. Even with the highs and lows and the frustrations, Jesus continued to move forward in what He was called to do in His ministry. We must do as Jesus did: move forward no matter the highs, lows, or frustrations.He has empowered you to do ministry.

Where in your life do you need to feel the empowerment of Jesus? Run away to Him, feel a bit of heaven here on Earth, and continue to move forward in your ministry.

© 2019 Susan M. Sims

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