Why Should You Be You?

Why should you be you? That might seem like a strange question to some, but there are others out there ready to scream, “I wish I could be me”.

We have so many voices in our heads at any given time, it’s easy to understand why our voice seems to get drowned out among the noise. With so many voices, you might not even know what your voice is. You might not even know what your voice sounds like?

Your voice:

  1. Longs to see your dreams fulfilled
  2. Gets excited when you work in your talents
  3. Wants to belong
  4. Wants to make a difference
  5. Longs to be loved

With our voice sounding this way and longing for us to be us, what would ever drown out these cries? I can sum this up in one word: others. We start living out the call of others’ voices when we:

  1. Long to see their dreams fulfilled and we work to help them accomplish this.
  2. Get excited to see them working within their talents
  3. We try to make them feel they belong
  4. We help them make a difference
  5. We love them with our time and talents

Helping others with their voices is fine as long as your voices are harmonizing and you’re singing the same songs. You are then both accomplishing your purpose within the song. If you start helping someone else sing their song, you are simply mouthing the words and your voice becomes invisible. Others begin to see you mouthing the song (pretending) and they begin to believe that is your song; your voice.

The longer you sing someone else’s song, the less they have to work at using their voice. You become a hindrance to them singing and boldly using their voice. You can give them room to grow as you sing the duet together, but God gives us a time to work with others and He also gives us moments to shine when we stand alone for the solo.

Without your solo, the musical symphony is incomplete. We all need to sing certain songs in harmony (working together), times when we are quiet and let others shine and sing their solos, and then times when we step up and allow our voices to be heard.

We are all needed to do our parts. Don’t get lost among the noises and voices of others. Take time to care for yourself. Take care of your voice and don’t allow it to be abuses. Likewise, make sure you don’t abuse others and not let them speak and shine.

“I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations” (Psalm 89:1 NIV).

Why should you be you? Because you have a beautiful voice that longs to be heard and one that others need to hear. How is God calling you to use your voice? Take time today to sing a song of praise to God.

Oh, and why else should you be you? It’s just more fun. Can you find me peeking out from the bushes while I was on vacation this past summer?

© 2019 Susan M. Sims

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