Why Your Mentoring is Important

Last week we talked about why your gifts are important. We stated the importance of not taking for granted the gifts God has given to you and how He expects you to use them. I want to share with you how I was blessed this past week by using my gift of time.

Most every Wednesday night I am able to minister to and hang-out with some inner-city kids. These aren’t just any kids, though, they are my kids. I hurt for them and I long to show them love no matter what. My husband and I have been working with this neighborhood since 1998; although, he worked with them before we even met. Our devotion to their well-being runs deep.

Lately, we’ve been teaching the kids life skills; the kid range from 5th-10th graders. They were taught how to make up a budget, choose healthy foods, and cook chocolate chip cookies, cinnamon rolls, and spaghetti. I had the honor of teaching them one night how to sew the holes in their clothes, as well as how to sew on buttons. This one lesson with them lit a fire in me and I’ve been sewing three different projects around the house since.

Last Wednesday was extremely special. I was able to bake with the kids. We made Mrs. Eby’s famous cinnamon rolls, as she was unable to make them that particular night. The rolls were being made so that they could be auctioned off the next day at our annual Blue Jeans & Boots Bash in order to support our ministry: KidPOWER and YouthPOWER. It was a blessing to watch them make sure the dough was rolled out into a rectangle, the butter was just soft enough to spread, the ratio of cinnamon to sugar was just right, and to show them how they apply math to their everyday lives as they figure out how to cut the dough so they get 12 equal pieces.

To say I was inspired would be an understatement.

Mentoring others and working alongside of them in a shared purpose has a way of inspiring you. It ignites your passions. I love to teach, I love to cook and bake, and I love to sew. I have been able to do all of these while serving others and watching them grow. This in turn inspires me to do more. It also inspires those I serve to desire more. It’s a win-win.

Are you tired today? Do you feel worn? Are you looking for a purpose with your gifts and talents?

Look for someone to mentor. Look to impact others with your gifts and your time. Love is shown through these small acts of time and sharing. Also allow others to mentor you. We all have gifts and talents and we need to learn from each other. Share the wisdom God has given to you.

Pray for God to show you how you can mentor others. Pray specifically for the name of the one(s) to whom you need to serve.

Time to share your gifts and mentor!

If you are interested in helping to support this ministry, please visit www.crossbridgeinc.org

© 2019 Susan M. Sims

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1 Comment on Why Your Mentoring is Important

  1. Susan, you amaze me! Another great article. Your articles “will preach” May all these truths touch many lives.

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