Your Story Matters, Part 3

Disagreements. Hardache. Beliefs. Hatred. Confusion.

I’m not sure there are many happy stories to tell about Gettysburg, PA back in the Civil War. On those fatal days in July 1863, around 50,000 soldiers were casualties of the war; either injured or dead from the fights. Houses and barns were taken over by the armies to become make-shift hospitals for those in need. It was a horrific site.

There are many stories of leaders who did great, courageous acts, and those who deviated from the plan that might have changed the course of the battle. Either way, lives were lost and forever changed and we have to wonder if their stories mattered at all.

If you’ve ever watched the movie Remember the Titans, you’ll recall that the black and white students of the football team weren’t getting along as their school was being integrated. There is a scene where the coach takes the team of both white and black students to the Gettysburg Cemetary. He talks to the boys about how they must remember what was fought for on that sacred ground. He reminds them they are still fighting that battle. He gave them truth and perspective all by seeing a place where others had died fighting.

We see how families were torn apart over the issue of slavery. We see how friendships were strained over the equal rights of others. We see the brokenness of our society over policies, politics, and who deserves what. It doesn’t seem that much different compared to 1863. Have times really changed all that much? We can learn from the suffering of others; we must learn from the suffering of others.

Stories remind us of where we’ve been. Let us not forget that 156 years ago the world on the outside looked radically different. Today, though, the world on the inside might be not as different as we’d hoped. Our thoughts and feelings might seem all too familiar; disagreements, hardache, beliefs, hatred, confusion.

Where in your heart are you still fighting Gettysburg’s battle? What topics split you apart from your family and friends. Can God be seen in those differences? Others died for their beliefs. Are we willing to die for ours?

Pray for God to soften your hearts to the differences of others. Pray He will give you the wisdom to know the differnce between truth and near-truths. Live in God’s love, show His love to others, and let’s learn from others to make this world a better place of love and less wars.

© 2019 Susan M. Sims

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1 Comment on Your Story Matters, Part 3

  1. Thanks, Susan for another good article! As the saying goes, “That will preach”..

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