Watching God Work

It’s been an interesting few months in our household. I’m not really sure how to describe it all except to say that we have been able to see God working in our lives in so many ways. Of course, we have been looking to God for Him to provide answers. Can you believe it? He answered when we asked!

I know this probably sounds a little silly to say that we asked of God and we saw Him working. I need to fully disclose to you that God did not answer every situation as we desired He would answer. There were times when I felt the need to move forward and claimed the answer, only to have the door closed and to hear silence. I was confused, but I had peace. I knew I had been asked to act and I was obedient.

Then, there were the times I was simply living my life and would received a phone call that suddenly answered a prayer that had previously been hearing nothing but crickets as far as I was concerned. I would hear froma friend just when I needed them most. Was I excited about these calls? Not always. Did that stop me from prayerfully considering what I needed to do? No. I might not have always had the best attitude; yet, I knew I must continue to pray.

In my prayers and my seeking God for His desires, I found that my heart and mind were changing. They were being conformed to God’s desires and not the original desires I thought I had. It’s always so very, very cool to me to see how God knows what I need, desire, and thouroghly enjoy better than even I know myself. As I pray to Him, as I seek Him, and as I seek the advice of other Christian people who speak into my life, I begin to see God for Who He is: a loving Father who desires good things for me.

After nearly 20 years of being a full-time mom to our 3 wonderful children, God has called me back to full-time work. It’s not what our family expected, but it has been a joy and a priviledge to do what I’m doing. I’ll continue to share my thoughts and devotions with you in the coming weeks, months, and years because you, my readers, are the ones who help keep me accoutable to growing in my relationship with the Lord.

So, I wanted to thank you for your love and support on this blog through these past 6 1/2 years. I have loved hearing from you and seeing how God is working and moving in your lives. Let’s keep this going for another 6 1/2 years and I can’t wait to see where God leads each and every one of us!

Take time to look for God. Where is He working in your life today?

© 2019 Susan M. Sims

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