Life is Hard

These past few months have been hard; emotionally and mentally hard. I’ve put off writing this blog for a couple of weeks because I would prefer to be positive and say all is well and all is good. Yet, saying “life is hard” somehow seems a bit defeating. Still, life is hard.

Allow me to take you on my story. We’ve had a lot of physical problems come up lately in our family, extended family, and those close to us. The point when I heard that Randy, a man the same age as my husband, passed away from cancer, I said to myself as I cried, “life is hard”. Then, without skipping a beat, “but, God is good”.  

In my younger years, about 10 years ago, I realized I struggled with whether I truly LIVED like God was good. I sang about it, I prayed to Him, and I said I loved Him; yet, I doubted. It wasn’t until I was writing my book that I realized by my doubting and worrying about endless things, I was really saying to others that I didn’t trust God’s plan. 

When I live in the “life is hard” stage I feel hopeless, confused, worried, sick to my stomach, and stress. When I live in the “God is good” stage I feel hope, confused, worried, sick to my stomach, and stress! Haha! You thought I was going to say all was well in the “God is good”, didn’t you? I”m not that good; but, God is!

Living into the “God is good” gives me the hope I need to get through the confusion, worry, upset stomach and stress. Most of the time, in fact, that hope makes it much better. That hope makes things bearable when I feel I can’t go on anymore. 

We all live with daily struggles. Where does your hope lie? Do you rely upon family, friends, jobs, or money for your hope? I pray you’ve learned that we can depend on others and other things for moments, but we serve a God who is greater than all things. He is faithful and constant. He will provide the hope you need when life is hard. 

We serve a good God, even when life is hard!

How has God shown you His goodness lately? What hope has He given to you? Would you share below and help provide hope to others?

© 2019 Susan M. Sims

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2 Comments on Life is Hard

  1. Yes, Susan, life has been hard for the Sims’ family for quite a while. It doesn’t seem to let up. Even then, God is good. He doesn’t change! What a peace to know He’s the anchor. For example, when Dad Sims suffered his heart attack recently, while I sat in the ER not knowing the outcome, a peace came over my soul that only God could have given. Proven fact that God is good. Your article was so well written. If people only knew what has gone on lately, they would appreciate your blog even more. We love & appreciate you. May God continue to bless.

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