Times When I’m Confused

This week, as I witnessed the times of the tornadoes in Nashville, I was saddened. Waking up to the tornado sirens was startling. Staying up most of the night to ensure nothing else was going to happen was just as unnerving. Seeing others go through trauma was emotionally exhausting. Driving in my neighborhood and seeing that everything was normal while others just miles down the road lost everything was equally as disturbing. 

Some things in life are just so confusing. I’m safe and others are harmed. I don’t understand. Thanks be to God that I don’t have to understand. 

I don’t know about you, but when I was a child and was upset, there was always something extremely comforting about crawling into the lap of my parents and just allowing them to hold me. I remember feeling tense and then after sitting in their lap, I felt more comforted and peaceful. 

When I was in college, I was alone one night and I remember crying out to God and prayed, “If only I could just crawl into Your lap and let You hold me!” I remember hearing/thinking, “Well, why don’t you?” So, I got up from where I was and walked across the room to an empty chair and said, “Can I sit in Your lap?” At that moment, I crawled into the chair, into a ball, and sat like a child would while sitting in their parent’s lap. I cried and was comforted in that moment. I felt so much love and acceptance. 

Each time I feel confused and lost, I love thinking of that moment and am always reminded I only have to approach God and ask to be held. He holds me, He gives me strength, and He comforts me. He doesn’t reject me for my doubts and troubles. He embraces me and loves me through my confusion.

How do you deal with confusion in your life? Do you need to walk up to God and allow Him to hold you? What does God holding you look like in your daily life? How do you need to be embraced today?

© 2020 Susan M. Sims

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2 Comments on Times When I’m Confused

  1. Good article, Susan. May God bless you! “Just Be Held”…..That song fits.

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